Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Vintage Gamer Special #04: Origins 2008 Interviews

The Vintage Gamer Special #04: Origins 2008 Interviews

At long last, the annual Origins episode of The Vintage Gamer. As this is the third year, this officially makes it a cherished tradition. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) there was no podcasters panel so instead I went around and did some interviews at some of the small press booths. A big Thank You to all who participated if what you hear interests you, please support them with your dollars. For a fuller picture of the show, I recommend you check out The Spiel Origins episode for a lo

Childrens Card Games (18)

Ed-U-Cards was entrusted with the reponsibility of publishing the Official 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair Childrens Card Game. There is, of course, a splendid Unisphere in the deck, but I thought youmight enjoy the Astral Fountain. (Posted by Doug Skinner)

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Great Kitchen Escape

The Great Kitchen Escape

The Great Kitchen Escape Marzia Sabato 2 Agosto alle ore 09:08 Intrappolati dentro una cucina confusa e coloratissima, ancora una volta il vostro obiettivo sar quello di riuscire a venirne fuori trovando la via di fuga. Aprite pensili e sportelli, esaminate frigorifero e forno, date unocchiata a cosa c in tavola, e cercate di raccogliere tutti gli oggetti possibili, combinandoli tra di loro per poterli utilizzare al meglio. Non tralasciate nulla perch anche gli oggetti e i posti che se

The Sweet Escape

The Sweet Escape Marzia Sabato 2 Agosto alle ore 09:08 Ricordate la casetta di zucchero e marzapane di Hansel e Gretel? Bene, perch in questa piacevole e golosa avventura punta e clicca, dovrete riuscire a scappare proprio da una casetta come quella. La strega che vi abita vi ha infatti rinchiusi al suo interno e, per uscirne, dovrete preparare una ricetta speciale ma come? e quale? A voi il compito di riuscire nellimpresa. Come in ogni avventura punta e clicca usate il MOUSE per inter

Top Chef

Top Chef Marzia Sabato 2 Agosto alle ore 08:08 Benvenuti allinferno, siete stati appena assunti come chef nella cucina del diavolo e il vostro compito prendere le ordinazioni dei demoni, servendogli i cibi desiderati prima che impazziscano dalla fame! Il menu del giorno prevede squisiti piatti di personaggi famosi finiti allinferno quindi potrebbe capitarvi di dover servire una tagliata di Saddam Hussein o perch no, Michael Jackson ripassato in pentola. Per ogni livello sar indicato

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Winterbells - Flash Game

Winterbells - Flash Game

a simple but fun game I R addicted! In the game, You play as a bunny who bounces on bells to go higher. The higher you go, the more you score. Heres a few screenshots. My high score Link to the Game: I know its childish Lots of such Games Here:

Pimp My Game Update: Mind the Mindjolt Jolt

Its been a few short days since friendly neighbourhood Bob Ippolito from MochiAds clued me in to the rev share services opt-in distribution tactic. This offering sees developers uploading their games to the site, which are then offered to portal owners so that their games are automagically distributed to anyone who wants them. Its a lot like putting a plate of muffins stuffed with lit cherry bombs in the park, and listening for the sounds of exploding squirrels. Proviso: thats not somethin

Powerful Flash Games web pages

Flash games is streaming animation games for web pages. Sometimes Flash is a portion of an html web page, and sometimes a web page is made entirely of Flash. Either way, Flash files are called Flash movies. No tag for this post. Related posts No related posts. View post: Powerful Flash Games web pages